Best part time jobs for business majors
Best part time jobs for business majors

best part time jobs for business majors

Bureau of Labor Statistics, makeup artists are the highest-paid workers in the cosmetology industry. If you’re creative and know your way around an eyeshadow palette, being a freelance makeup artist offers a flexible hourly job that can pay anywhere from $13 – $40+ per hour. Depending on where you live, you may also need to become certified. What you’ll need: Physical fitness, for starters-clients tend to want someone who can lead by example. Personal trainers can earn up to $50 an hour.

best part time jobs for business majors

Personal trainers meet one on one with clients by the hour, developing and implementing fitness plans.

Best part time jobs for business majors free#

If your ideal version of “the office” involves the clank of free weights and orderly rows of treadmills, becoming a personal trainer could be a good and flexible option for you. If you’re still bursting with pride over your near-perfect SATs, you might be able to put that savvy to work by the hour. What you’ll need: Knowledge and a track record of grades, high test scores, etc. Depending on the student’s needs and the tutor’s level of expertise, tutors can command anywhere from $15 to $200 an hour (particularly for specialized test prep, like SAT and grad school entrance exams). As college entrance gets more and more competitive, more students and their parents are looking to hire academic helpers. Tutors provide extra academic help for students, whether it’s in a specific subject area at school or prepping for standardized tests.

Best part time jobs for business majors